Blogmarks for 2012-06-21

Blogging Tools that I Cant live Without

List of Best Blogging tools for Every Blogger:

Before we move ahead, let me clear out what do I mean by Blogging tools here. These are usually those blogging software’s, tools, platform, website without which my blogging is incomplete, or probably won’t be like the same. I’m sure this will help newbie bloggers and instead of waiting years to try them, it’s time you should at least give it a shot.

(categories: tools blogging)

Europe : un quart de la population n’a jamais utilisé Internet

La Commission Européenne a publié hier un bilan sur les points positifs et négatifs d’Internet et de la téléphonie sur le continent. La France, plutôt bonne élève dans le domaine, dispose comme les autres pays de son propre bilan détaillé. Voici un résumé des nombreuses informations fournies par la Commission.

(categories: data internet)

Customer Experience: A Personal Insight Into People and Organisations (Part III)

This third and last post regarding my experience withe UK healthcare system follows on from two earlier posts – Part I and Part II – if you have not read these posts you may want to do so.

(categories: customer experience)

Why Understanding Your Customers is the First Step to Delivering a Better Customer Experience

There are myriad reasons why companies treat customers poorly. One of the most common, costly – and most easily resolvable – is a lack of understanding around customers themselves.

This gets at the core of two basic business questions that many companies either don’t ask or don’t share effectively across silos and groups internally

(categories: customer experience customer)

Period Table of Social Media

Recently, we shared LUMA Partner’s insane infographic showing how complicated social media has become. The post received a lot of feedback, largely centered around what was missing. There were a few major social media outlets that seemed near impossible to miss, mainly 2012’s darling child Pinterest.
The largest problem with LUMA’s graph was that it was created in June of 2011, long before Pinterest became nationally popular.
Never mind: hosting provider InMotion Hosting made a graphic a few months ago that included Pinterest and a few others, this time in the form of a periodic table. Put it this way, if you were going to try to tell your grandmother how she could advertise her organic blueberry business online, this is what you would use.
It’s still confusing, cluttered and ever-changing, but the periodic table provides at least some hope of creating a strategy to navigating the big social media networks.

(categories: infographics social media facebook pinterest)

Le top 5 des mécanismes de publication Facebook par l’image

(categories: best practices facebook)

Facebook Becoming More Popular Among Seniors

Can you guess the fastest-growing demographic on Facebook? It’s not teenagers or college students, but their grandparents. According to the latest statistics from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 53 percent of Americans 65 or older are online. Of that subset, 34 percent use social networking sites such as Facebook.

(categories: facebook)

Introducing subscriptions and local currency pricing

Today, we’re announcing two updates to our payments product: subscriptions and local currency pricing.

New ways to monetize with subscriptions
Many developers successfully monetize their apps with one-time purchases of virtual items. Beginning in July, we are launching subscriptions as another way for you to build your businesses on Facebook. With subscriptions, you can establish a recurring revenue stream and offer updated content or premium experiences for a monthly fee.

(categories: facebook facebook credits)

What Happens After You Click "Report"

At Facebook we maintain a robust infrastructure that empowers our more than 900 million person community to help us enforce our policies by using the report links found throughout the site. While it is unlikely that you will have any problems with content on the site, it might not always be clear what happens once you do decide to click "Report." Today, we are excited to publish a guide that will give the people who use Facebook more insight into our reporting process.

(categories: policies facebook reporting guide)

How to Use the New Google Analytics Social Reporting Tool

The new social media reporting tools from Google Analytics provides marketers free social media monitoring and measurement capabilities.

The new reporting features provide the most value when coupled with Google+.

This way, community managers gain insight around off-page activity as Google Analytics and Google+ are happily integrated.

(categories: analytics social media google+ tools)

Tumblr Unveils First Major Brand Campaign for Adidas

Less than two months after announcing its plunge into paid advertising, Tumblr has sold a month-long campaign to a global advertiser: Adidas.

(categories: campaign social media tumblr)

Springfield Punx

Springfield Punx is a little pet project of mine. The idea of doing fan art parodying some of my favorite characters and stars in such a fun and simple style got me hooked immediately. Some of these guys and gals have appeared on the Simpsons and I could just work from that, but most I had to do from scratch. Check back often for new Punx!

(categories: parody simpsons)

Le format du forum, toujours utile pour récolter les critiques des consommateurs

UserVoice a construit un support client basé autour de forums, avec comme priorité à facilité d’accès. Tandis que les réseaux sociaux sont une chaîne prioritaire de feedback consommateur, le format des forums n’est peut-être pas mort.

(categories: social media forum)

Best practices : 7 conseils pour bien créer et organiser ses campagnes Facebook [Dossier Facebook Marketing]

Après avoir vu les formats et les ciblages publicitaires proposés par Facebook, nous allons poursuivre notre dossier avec quelques conseils pour bien créer et organiser les campagnes. Segmentation de l’audience, détermination des enchères…

(categories: engagement ad facebook)

37 Ways to Get Traffic To Your Website

Each and every business today can benefit from a website. It can be a promotional site, an extension of your sales or services, and even the entirety of your business if you’re online-only. Once you’ve got a website developed and ready to go, you’ve got to get people visiting it. Here are 37 ways to drive the traffic you need to your site and earn the online exposure you want.

(categories: traffic)

How to… set up a Google+ brand page

Google+ is Google’s answer to Facebook. If you’re already using Facebook, then it’s easy to know how this works. Your contacts can respond and rate your shared content in turn, also you can add contacts, block them, connect to other services like Twitter, and much more.

(categories: how to google+)

The social takeover: Is email dead?

1. Social is doing great and fast growing to become a solid marketing channel
2. Consumers are capable of dealing with more than one channel
3. Email marketing is established and going nowhere
4. Why not use the two together instead of facing them off?

(categories: email marketing SocialMedia)

Les 15 raisons de ne plus suivre quelqu’un sur Twitter

Tout utilisateur actif le sait : Twitter a des codes implicites qu’il faut respecter. Déroger à la règle (et à la norme ?) peut vous valoir le courroux de la communauté, les railleries des extrémistes du tweet voire la sanction suprême : le défollow.

(categories: twitter)

Les 5 piliers d’une stratégie social média

Dans un article très intéressant paru sur Nekworking Exchange, Brian Solis défini ce qu’il appelle les 5 piliers d’une stratégie social média

(categories: SocialMedia strategie)

Le commerce de demain vu par Saguez & Partner : moins de magasins, plus de technologies, de surprises et de proximité » |

La semaine dernière, Saguez & Partners, Raymond Interactive et Mediamétrie ont présenté, lors d’une conférence de presse, leur décryptage du commerce d’aujourd’hui et leur vision du commerce de demain à l’horizon 2015. Bien qu’invité, nous n’avons malheureusement pas pu nous y rendre. Cependant, ayant reçu le compte rendu de cet évènement sous forme d’un communiqué de presse, nous vous proposons de lire ce dernier dans son intégralité à la fin de ce billet.

(categories: ecommerce)

Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ App for Embedding Tweets and Posts

(categories: social media tools)

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