Les 10 commandements des réseaux sociaux…

Je partage ici les règles rédigées par Lori Taylor sur son blog. Cliquez sur le titre de la note pour lire la suite.

Je partage ici les règles rédigées par Lori Taylor sur son blog.

Law #1:  Social media isn’t a costume you can use to dress up a bad brand.
Law #2:  Social media is a long-term commitment – never leave your man hanging.
Law #3: Social media is about them, not you.
Law #4:  Use social media marketing to position your brand as something your market wants, not needs.
Law #5:  Social media strategies maximize baby steps.
Law #6:  A sticky social media campaign is built by consistently creating compelling content with context.
Law #7:  The best social media campaigns are supported by brands with  foundation of strong customer service.
Law #8:  Going viral isn’t an outcome, it’s a happening.
Law #9:  All eyeballs are not equal.
Law #10:  Popularity is vanity, sales are sanity.  It’s up to you to decide how crazy you can afford to be.


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