What Does 200 Calories In Food Look Like?:
To help you watch your weight and calorie intake Wise Geek started a photo project that shows what 200 calories look like in different kinds of food.
Whether it is a plate of broccoli, a few pieces of fried bacon or a small spoon of peanut butter, this project will make you think twice the next time you decide what to eat.
For more examples, please click here.
Fried Bacon: 34 grams = 200 Calories
Celery: 1425 grams = 200 Calories
Coca Cola: 496 ml = 200 Calories
Apples: 385 grams = 200 Calories
Whole Milk: 333 ml = 200 Calories
Lowfat Strawberry Yogurt: 196 grams = 200 Calories
Eggs: 150 grams = 200 Calories
Dried Apricots: 83 grams = 200 Calories
Jack in the Box Cheeseburger: 75 grams = 200 Calories
Hot Dogs: 66 grams = 200 Calories
Cranberry Vanilla Crunch Cereal: 55 grams = 200 Calories
Glazed Doughnut: 52 grams = 200 Calories
Gummy Bears: 51 grams = 200 Calories
Doritos: 41 grams = 200 Calories
Hershey Kisses: 36 grams = 200 Calories
Peanut Butter: 34 grams = 200 Calories[via Wise Geek]
(Via TAXI Daily News)